Hands on sessions that address your physical, emotional, nutritional and energetic needs to promote holistic well-being.
​Each session is uniquely tailored to the individual and combines multiple schools of thought with a particular focus on Kinesiology.
Kinesiology is a form of natural health care that works from the perspective that different muscles relate to different organs and healing systems in the body. Through specific muscle testing we can identify imbalances in the body and address them at their root, rather than the presenting symptom.
My approach integrates a variety of techniques and healing modalities such as: targeted lymphatic massage, Bach flower remedies, gentle realignment techniques, working with the meridian system (as used in Acupuncture), tapping, nutritional support, dietary and lifestyle advice.​ When aligned, I consult additional tools such as Astrology and Human Design to offer deeper insights and more personalised guidance.
In person sessions can help with a wide range of issues such as: chronic pain or fatigue, IBS symptoms, headaches, emotional processing following trauma/loss/stress, fears and phobias, behavioural or developmental issues, low immune system, skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis), disturbed sleep, allergies, food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and joint or body pain... to name a few!
Tailored guidance through virtual sessions, helping you navigate your unique challenges and reach your goals from wherever you are in the world.
The message that I weave into everything I do is simple: you are here to experience and impact the world in a way that is unique to you. Throughout our lives we are exposed to subtle (and not so subtle) forms of conditioning that draw us further and further away from our innate way of being. My work is to guide you through whatever personal season or cycle you are in, while reminding you of your authentic nature and one-of-a-kind way of navigating it all.
My approach combines Astrology & Human Design as well as many of the emotional processing tools such as Bach flower remedies and techniques like Tapping that I learnt as a Kinesiologist. As always, each session is uniquely designed to you and your experience.
Find out more about events that I'm running, retreats I'm speaking at or reach out to book me in!
I see us all as individual stars that shine brightest when we're in *constellation* with others around us. As we step more into our individuality, and embrace our unique selves, the importance of community and connection becomes paramount.
My events are designed to inspire and empower individuals to embrace their own experience, timing and path while fostering a network of interconnectedness with others on a similar journey. I believe in our collective strength as individuals, nurtured through support, collaboration, and the positive impact of actively participating in our environment.
I recently gave a talk on the 5 Elements at a day retreat in the Cotswolds which focussed on practices and remedies to support ourselves through different seasons and cycles of life.
I have a Bach Flower Remedy event in the pipeline right now. If you'd like to be kept in the loop, follow the link below, select Events and check the box!